Where You've Seen Us: Collaborations, Features and Reviews

  • PETA Business Friend

    Green Vegan Bags can be found in the PETA Shopping Guide. Being a PETA Business Friend stregnthens our dedication to making a positive impact on the world, one vegan bag or accessory at a time.

  • volunteer board member for the Florida Animal Rescue Alliance

    Florida Animal Rescue Alliance

    After a long time of dedicated volunteer support with the animals, Green Vegan Bags founder Nicole was asked to join on as a nonprofit board member.

  • Plant Based Treaty

    Endorsing the Plant Based Treaty aligns with our company values. By reducing animal agriculture, we can cut down on deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, decrease animal suffering in factory farms and promote a more sustainable way to feed the world.

  • VegOut Magazine

    Green Vegan Bags collections have been featured as must have vegan bags in VegOut Magazine's seasonal gift guides alongside with other sustainable, vegan brands.

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